Dergi Bursa Şubat/Mart 2014 - page 31

Osman Bey’in esir düştüğü
Özi Kalesi Muharebesi’nde
şehit düşen Bekir Paşa,
Bosna Beylerbeyi Vekilliği
görevini üstlenen Cafer Paşa,
İlovalar’ın atası olan İsmail
Ağa Çengiç, hayırseverliği
ve başına geçtiği ordulara
kazandırdığı zaferiyle bilinen
Derviş Salih Paşa… Her birinin
hayatı görev aşkı uğruna,
sayısız kahramanlıklarla dolu.
Osmanlı’nın gurur duyduğu
kadar güvendiği İsmail Ağa
ise aynı zamanda Çengiçler’in
reisi kabul ediliyor. Atalarının
ilk yerleştiği topraklar olan
Yelaç’ta doğup, Mlyetiçak’ta
tuzağa düşürülerek şehit
edilene kadar Osmanlı
Devleti’nin gözdesi olan
ve verdiği hizmetlerle hem
devletin hem de halkın sonsuz
güvenini kazanan İsmail
Ağa… Ondan geriye kalan
maddi ve manevi mirasın
şu anki sahibi ise torunu ve
bugün Çengiçzade’lerin şanlı
geçmişine yapabildiğimiz
zaman yolculuğunu borçlu
olduğumuz Leyla İlova. Ailenin
“Bosna’dan Bursa’ya” uzanan
hikâyeleri, İsmail Ağa’nın 7
oğlundan biri olan Haydar
Bey’in, ailesini Balkanlar’dan
Bursa’ya taşımasıyla başladı.
İki padişah tarafından
nişanlarla onurlandırılan
Haydar Paşa, Karadağlılar’ın
teklif ettiği prens unvanını
reddedip önce Osmanlı’nın
başkenti olduğu dönemde
İstanbul’a, burada annesi ve
kızının ölmesinden sonra oğlu
İsmail Yümnî Bey’i de alarak
Bursa’ya yerleşti. Atıcılar’da
Bosna tarzında yaptırılan
konakta doğduğu bilinen Leyla
Hanım’ın babası Rıza İlova
9 yaşına geldiğinde babası
İsmail Bey’i kaybederek,
annesiyle birlikte bugün
of 9 and moved to the mansion
at Nalbantoğlu with his mother,
where today Ms. Leyla still lives.
Mr. Rıza, father of Ms. Leyla,
her love for whom is heard in
her voice, was a very learned
man. His life style, his general
knowledge, his devotion to
the past was admired; he was
successful in many fields from
politics to social responsibility.
In 1937 he founded the Hathas
Engineering firm at Setbaşı and
covered the first asphalt road in
Turkey, the Bursa-Mudanya road.
He worked at the management of
the textile printing factory, marina,
in Muradiye. Due to his closeness
with İsmet Pasha and devotion to
Atatürk, he joined the Republican
People’s Party, taking important
roles. In 1945-1950 he served
as a surrogate to the Governor
Haşim İşcan. He worked with
Kazım Baykal at the Institute for
Old Monuments of Bursa and
contributed in the rebuilding
of Süleyman Çelebi Tomb.
He assisted many institutions
from the Bursa Hunters’ Club,
the Music Society, the Child
Welfare Institution, to the Turkish
Red cross. He was known as
the “Father of Sycamores” for
his attempts in preserving the
historical trees in Bursa.
“Welcome the bride from
Asia Minor”
Mr. Rıza was successful in
every period and every aspect
of his life, he lived a full life but
always felt a void that could not
be filled. In 1922, he made visit
to his relatives in İnegöl before
he went to Bosnia, there he met
a woman who would change
his life forever and introduce
him to undying love. Ms. Eşref,
a distant relative of Mr. Rıza,
had a crush-at-first sight and
wrote her innocent feelings in a
letter that she secretly placed in
his coat pocket. This romantic
man, singing sevdalinkas with
his fascinating voice, was the
dream of many women. He first
ignored the letter but seeing he
no longer wanted to live alone
and realizing he was not getting
younger, feeling the pressures
of the ones around him, he sent
a letter from Bosnia to İnegöl
and asked Ms. Eşref’s hand in
marriage. The prompt reply of
“yes” from Ms. Eşref’s part was
the first step to a happy, peaceful
and long lasting home. The
4-man team set to take the bride
included the Mayor of Sarajevo.
On their way back, along with
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