Dergi Bursa Mart 2016 - page 50

beslendi, Amerikan müziğinden
etkilendi; doğaçlama, çoklu
ritim, atışma gibi tekniklerle
büyüdü ve bir akım haline geldi.
Dünya ilk kez 1917 yılında, 5
müzisyenin New Orleans’ta
kurduğu bir caz grubu olan
“Dixieland Jazz Band”ın ilk caz
plağını yayınlamasıyla tanıdı bu
müziği. Cazın başlangıcında
kendi aralarında doğaçlama
müzik yapan caz toplulukları
varken gelmiş geçmiş en
büyük trompet ustası Louis
Armstrong, caz tarihine ilk solo
geleneğini getiren kişi olmuştu.
Onun başlattığı akım Jack
Teargarden, Sidney Bechet,
Earl Hines gibi solo üstatlarının
this music in 1917 through the
release of the first jazz vinyl by
“Dixieland Jazz Band” which was
a jazz group established in New
Orleans by five musicians. While
there were jazz groups making
improvised music during the
beginning stages of jazz, Louis
Armstrong, the most important
trumpet master of all times, had
been the one to bring in the solo
tradition to the history of jazz.
The trend that was started by him
enabled the rise of solo masters
such as Jack Teargarden, Sidney
Bechet, Earl Hines.
Thousands of colors, single
At the time, the world was aware
of the music that was played
on the streets by hundreds of
thousands slaves brought to
America. Other colors joined in
time to the blue-black musical
notes of jazz. Jazz varied as
different musical instruments
and human sounds were added.
At entertainment places, official
ceremonies, balls… Jazz started
to exist everywhere and day by
day it became the most preferred
music genre. Following World
War I, the names now referred
to as the connoisseurs of jazz
started to come up. Different
artists were forming their own
styles at different times and in
different genres of jazz. They
were putting their signature
under works that would make
history in jazz without knowing
that their names would be
eternal. Louis Armstrong,
Duke Ellington, Ella Fitzgerald,
Coleman Hawkins, Count Basie,
Benny Goodman
Ella Fitzgerald
Dixieland Jazz Band
geçmiş zaman kipinde
the past tense
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