Dergi Bursa Ocak 2016 - page 80

geçmiş zaman kipinde
paste tense
kendi yalnızlığına terk edilmiş
binaların yüzü gülüyor hem
de Bursa geleceğe umutla
Turizm sektöründen bazı
ilkler... İlk otel, ilk rehber,
ilk odalar…
• 1500’lü yıllarda Fransa’da
tarihin ilk rehber kitabı
yayınlandı. Londra ve New
York’un bir anlamda öncülük
ettiği otelcilik sektöründe ilkler
dönemi de böylece başlamış
• 1800 yılında Londra’nın
şehir merkezinde açılan “The
Royal” oteli bu anlamda bir
ilkti. Onu, ünlü otelci Milton
Statler’in 1807’de New York’ta
açtığı Statler Hotel takip etti.
Bu otelin en büyük özelliği, tüm
odalarında banyo/tuvalet ve
şebeke suyu olmasıydı.
• Şehir merkezinde açılan
oteller git gide artıyor,
konaklama hizmeti verecek
işletmeler kurmaya hazırlanan
kişiler büyük adımlar atarak
ortaya diğerlerinden farklı
özellikler koymak zorunda
kalıyordu. 1822 yılında New
York’ta hizmete giren The
Holt Hotel’de de böyle yapıldı
ve tarihte ilk kez bir otelde
bagajları taşıyan bir asansör
yapıldı. Asansörün misafirler
tarafından da kullanılabilmesini
sağlayan bir asansörün
varlığı ise ilk kez 1859 yılında
açılan “Fifth Avenue Hotel” ile
mümkün olabilecekti.
• 1800’lü yıllarda
demiryollarının kurulması,
posta arabalarının yerini
trenlerin almasıyla
istasyonların yakınlarında
konaklama amaçlı binalar
yapıldı. 1829’da Boston’da
açılan Tremont House isimli
otel 170 odası, 200 kişilik
yemek salonuyla tarihin ilk
modern otellerinden biri oldu.
• “The Royal” hotel that was
opened in 1800 at the London
city center was also a first in this
aspect. The Statler Hotel founded
in New York in 1807 by the
famous hotel manager in 1807
followed. The most important
feature of this hotel was that
there was bathroom/toilet and
tap water systems in all rooms.
• The number of hotels in the
city center continue to increase
and those who are planning
to establish businesses for
accommodation had to put forth
some changes from the already
existing hotels in order to be
preferred. The Holt Hotel that
opened its doors 1822 in New
York was thus built and a freight
elevator was also included.
Elevators for the use of guests
would be possible for the first
time in 1859 with the “Fifth
Avenue Hotel”.
• Buildings for accommodation
purposes near train stations
were started to be built during
the 1800’s with the development
of railway. The hotel named as
Tremont House that was opened
in Boston in 1829 was one of the
first modern hotels in history with
170 rooms and a dining room for
200 people. The hotel also had
locks on its rooms and a la carte
menus for its restaurant.
• The hotel that was later
built in London near the St.
Pancras Train Station which
was completed in 1871 took
its place in the history of hotel
management with its Gothic
style design made by Sir George
Gilbert Scott who was among
the most popular architects at
the time.
• Another first took place in Paris
before the 1900’s. Le Grande
Hotel was the first hotel that used
electrical lighting and a school of
hotel management was opened
for the first time in Switzerland in
the same year.
• Ritz Hotel Barcelona which was
opened in 1919 was the first hotel
where hot and cold water was
available in its rooms. However, a
very important step was taken in
Ada Palas, 1900
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